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Conference review: w-jax Munich 2022

Christian Seifert

I had the pleasure of attending the w-jax 2022 in Munich this year, both as a speaker and as an attendee.

Breaking out of the daily routine and getting inspired by new topics and ideas is always not just entertaining but really helps me to put things into perspective and get some inspiration for what’s ahead in my own team and company,

A couple of talks that I heard were especially interesting and/or inspiring and I would give a short shoutout to these great speakers.

Der Architekturhamburger – Softwareachitektur für die 20er

Henning Schwentner presented a refreshing view on software architecture, the different approaches and how to consolidate them into a Hamburger.

It’s not just the result itself that go me thinking but the comparison of different architecture models, the reasons why they were originally introduced and the contexts in which they make sense.

Die “magischen” Features von Spring Boot entschlüsseln

I’ve been using Spring for more than 15 years and pretend to have a pretty good understanding of what the main benefits are and how they are realized under the hood.

Nevertheless, there are always areas that you haven’t looked into yet or haven’t looked into for quite some time. The talk by Patrick Baumgartner for me wasn’t so match a revelation of magic but a welcome overview of where the magic happens and how Spring (and Spring Boot) work under the hood.

Processing data from the James Webb Space Telescope

Let’s be honest: For most of us engineers space is one of the coolest environments we can image ourselves working in. So having a keynote about something like the James Webb Space Telescope is sure to attract a crowd.

The keynote by John Davies was no exception.

An excursion into astronomy, very well presented, and the fact that the data from that billion dollar telescope is available for everyone out there was both surprising and pretty cool.

Sometimes it doesn’t have to be the next framework or the cool idea that makes you enjoy being at a conference. Sometimes it’s just geeking out on astronomy and what’s “out there”.

Auth{N,Z}: OAuth2, OpenID Connect und JWT einfach erklärt

Hardly anyone of us does not come into contact with security, authentication or authorization. I have used and integrated OAuth2 but it’s always nice to go back to the basics and look at an important topic like security from the ground up.

Niko Köbler did an excellent job of taking us along a journey to understand the basics. One of the talks that you need to hear again from time to time to recap what the basics actually are.

Tiger kommt – weglaufen!

Definitely one of the best talks I’ve heard on a conference for quite some time.

Gernot Starke presented his research on “brain bugs” or how our own brain makes us do things that may actually be counterproductive to what we’re actually trying to achieve.

Great examples and a vivid presentation was not only insightful but pretty entertaining as well.

Thanks to all the speakers of the w-jax who made the conference absolutely worth attending.